Online Paddling Workshop

Next Date: December 12, 2023 
Time: 3:00pm Hawaii

Do you have questions about OC-1 technique, training and racing that you want to discuss with an experienced coach?

In this participatory workshop you will be able to ask questions, get coaching on the spot, and listen to the other questions and answers.

This workshop is for women who paddle OC1 and are seeking inspiration, relevant coaching and technical knowledge with a community of like-minded women.

Questions from past workshops:
What should I focus on in the off season?
How should I train for a race in 6 months?
How many days of endurance vs sprint should I do?
What stroke rate should I use upwind?
How do I stop leaning left all the time?
What’s the best paddle to use?
How much protein do I need to eat?
What do I look for when I’m surfing?
What does it mean to rig my canoe heavy vs light?

And so many more!

Come and experience paddling online with me! Bring your questions and we’ll figure out the best answer for you.

Date: December 12, 2023

Time: 3:00 PM Hawaii Time / 5:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM Eastern / 9:00 AM Hong Kong/Perth (Wednesday) / 12:00 PM Sydney (Wednesday) / 2:00 PM New Zealand (Wednesday)

Click to check in YOUR Time Zone.

Duration: 90 mins
Cost: $35.00 (payment link will be provide after registering)
Place: Zoom (link will be sent after payment received)

Register for the Online Workshop here

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I found this (workshop) very insightful, especially tending to work too hard on long distance workouts, and not hard enough on sprints, which is my case. This explains why I tend to not be 100% the day I race long distance.. this gives a new perspective to my current training.


“Thanks so much Anna, It was a great workshop that answered many of my questions. I feel so more motivated now to start the new season, having a clearer training direction. Thanks again!”


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