Rediscovering Recovery: Lessons from a Challenging Race
Have you ever participated in an event where conditions didn’t align with your expectations? My recent adventure at the Shaw and Partners WA Race Week in Australia was just that

The Difference Eating Enough Makes To Your OC1 Race Experience Have you ever wondered if you are eating enough or considered how underfueling negatively impacts your performance? My recent experience

Huli-ed Lately? Here’s the fix
In my first seven years paddling an OC-1, I had no idea how to stop myself from capsizing (“huli” in Hawaiian) aside from leaning left. I had never heard of

How Technique Impacts Heart Rate and Performance in OC1 canoe paddling
QUESTION: Why is it difficult to raise my heart rate while paddling OC1 compared to other sports like running or biking? ANSWER: It’s not uncommon to experience this, and several

Injury Stopped My Paddling But Not My Growth
I fell off my bike a few months ago and sprained my sterno-clavicular joint (where the collar bone meets the sternum). It’s not a joint anyone ever thinks about, and it

Q: At 57 I feel a real difference in my performance stamina. I would like to learn more about efficient and effective weekly OC-1 workouts to keep me in shape

Stop Exercising … Start Training Like the Athlete That You Are
When I started paddling, I jumped right in with loads of enthusiasm. I loved paddling so much that I immediately started making choices in my life that would allow me

What should I eat before a race? Should I be Carb-0 Loading?
Periodically I will be addressing common questions I get asked from my camps, workshops and 1:1 coaching work. Pic: Beata Markin QUESTION: What should I eat before I race? This

How OC1 Paddling Helps OC6 Paddling
Around this time of year I often get asked “how do I get better at paddling OC6?” From new paddlers wanting to progress to paddlers trying to make or stay